William Ryan Jr, 18581953 (aged 94 years)

William /Ryan/ Jr
Given names
Name suffix
Birth February 12, 1858 26 21

MarriageEmma BarnesView this family

Death of a sisterRachel A. Ryan
September 18, 1860 (aged 2 years)

16th President of the United States
Abraham Lincoln
March 4, 1861 (aged 3 years)

Birth of a brotherCharles A. Ryan
1863 (aged 4 years)

17th President of the United States
Andrew Johnson
April 15, 1865 (aged 7 years)

18th President of the United States
Ulysses S Grant
March 4, 1869 (aged 11 years)

Death of a sisterRachel Ryan
after 1870 (aged 11 years)

Note: 11 months old in 1870 census. probably died young.
19th President of the United States
Rutherford B Hayes
March 4, 1877 (aged 19 years)

20th President of the United States
James A Garfield
March 4, 1881 (aged 23 years)

21st President of the United States
Chester A Arthur
September 19, 1881 (aged 23 years)

Death of a motherElizabeth M. Button
1882 (aged 23 years)

Death of a maternal grandmotherRachel Hughes
1885 (aged 26 years)

22nd President of the United States
Grover Cleveland
March 4, 1885 (aged 27 years)

Death of a maternal grandfatherCharles Button
January 12, 1886 (aged 27 years)
23rd President of the United States
Benjamin Harrison
March 4, 1889 (aged 31 years)

Death of a fatherWilliam Ryan Sr
1892 (aged 33 years)

24th President of the United States
Grover Cleveland
March 4, 1893 (aged 35 years)

25th President of the United States
William McKinley
March 4, 1897 (aged 39 years)

26th President of the United States
Theodore Roosevelt
September 14, 1901 (aged 43 years)

27th President of the United States
William Howard Taft
March 4, 1909 (aged 51 years)

28th President of the United States
Woodrow Wilson
March 4, 1913 (aged 55 years)

29th President of the United States
Warren G Harding
March 4, 1921 (aged 63 years)

30th President of the United States
Calvin Coolidge
August 2, 1923 (aged 65 years)

31st President of the United States
Herbert Hoover
March 4, 1929 (aged 71 years)

Death of a brotherCharles A. Ryan
May 6, 1932 (aged 74 years)

32nd President of the United States
Franklin D Roosevelt
March 4, 1933 (aged 75 years)

Death of a wifeEmma Barnes
December 25, 1944 (aged 86 years)

33rd President of the United States
Harry S Truman
April 12, 1945 (aged 87 years)

34th President of the United States
Dwight D Eisenhower
January 20, 1953 (aged 94 years)

Burial of a motherElizabeth M. Button

Address: Button Hill
Citation details: p.328
Death February 2, 1953 (aged 94 years)

Family with parents
Birth: about 1837 24 20Keeneyville, Tioga, Pennsylvania, USA
Death: 1882
Marriage Marriage
elder sister
3 years
elder sister
14 months
6 years
younger brother
Family with Emma Barnes
Marriage Marriage